Global Pack: The new trade show for the packaging industry by FORUM SA


Global Pack will be organized for the first time, November 11 to 13, 2023 at the Metropolitan Expo and aims to be the new major international exhibition for the packaging industry in S.E Europe.

New consumer habits, the evolution of digital technology and the explosion of e-commerce, combined with the trend for sustainability and the need to reduce production costs, further strengthen the leading role of Packaging, since they shape a new demanding and extremely competitive environment for the production, distribution, and marketing of products, in the entire range of productive and commercial enterprises of the Greek economy.

Τhe whole packaging chain under one roof

The adaptation to the new conditions, the need for continuous modernization of the image and protection of the produced products, as well as the optimization of packaging methods for their storage and handling, is now a one-way street. This immense need is met by Global Pack, the new international exhibition, which will be 100% targeted at the entire range of primary and secondary packaging.

At Global Pack, companies active in the field of packaging will participate as exhibitors and present innovative products, technological solutions and services related to packaging machinery, packaging materials, printing, storage, and robotic systems.

Learn more about the exhibitor categories here

The exhibition is expected to be visited by owners and executives from all the main productive and commercial branches of the economy (food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, building materials, agricultural, rural, and industrial goods, etc.).

Learn more about the visitor categories here

Global Pack will be held in parallel with the FOODTECH exhibition, which since 2019, when it was organized for the first time, has steadily begun to establish itself as the major exhibition of technology and equipment for the production, processing, storage and handling of Food & Beverages.>>

A truly international exhibition!

Our vision is for Global Pack to emerge as one of the largest and most important Packaging exhibitions in the wider area of ​​S.E Europe, with the participation of hundreds of Greek and important foreign exhibitors and to be a pole of attraction for thousands of professional from Greece and selected foreign target markets. The fact that FACHPACK Packaging exhibition, organized by the parent company of FORUM SA, NürnbergMesse Group, will contribute substantially in this direction.

With the guarantee of FORUM SA

FORUM SA, organizer of some of the most important and largest international exhibitions in Greece, such as HORECA, FOOD EXPO, XENIA, ARTOZA, FOODTECH, OENOTELIA, ATHENS COFFEE FESTIVAL, BIO FESTIVAL, with its values ​​and vast know-how, guarantees for the success and commercial effectiveness of the new exhibition.

If you are interested in participating in the new major international exhibition for Packaging and to meet up close the top industry’s executives, you can fill out the interest form here